El pasado Lunes 4 de Octubre se realizó el Acto de inicio del curso 2021-2022 de la UB School of Sociology. En el Aula Magna de la Facultat d’Economia, disfrutamos la Conferència Inaugural: “Ciudadanía e innovación social” a cargo de la Dra. Marisol Garcia, Catedràtica de Sociologia de la UB y coordinadora del grupo de investigación CRIT. Aquí un breve […]
Escuela de Verano de la Red de Economía Solidaria (XES)
CAT El passat mes de juny, en el marc de l’Escola d’Estiu de la Xarxa d’Economia Solidària (XES), el membre del CRIT Santi Eizaguirre, va participar en la coordinació d’aquesta taula de debat organitzada per la Comissió de formació i publicacions de la XES i la Xarxa d’Espais Comuntaris. La sessió de debat es va […]
Companion to Urban and Regional Studies
As a complement to their outstanding Encyclopedia of urban and regional studies, Wiley-Blackwell has published the Companion to Urban and Regional Studies, a book that covers the major issues, debates and research topics in urban and regional studies. The book is edited by Anthony M. Orum, Javier Ruiz-Tagle and Serena Vicari Haddock, and includes contributions […]
Master of Urban Design: Art, City, Society (biennial)
📢 (ENG) Presenting from CRIT this specialisation in which several of our researchers take part teaching. This is an interdisciplinary master’s degree focused on the multiple aspects of the study, assessment, transformation and creation of public space. The master’s degree is based on the practical and theoretical experience of the various research groups in which […]
CRIT Webinars 2021
This year the CRIT will organize a series of monthly online seminars, in which both our researchers and other invited colleagues will offer us the progress of their research. The themes will always be in connection with the urban environment, social innovation, creativity and governance. The webinars take place the last week of each month. […]
Yearbook 2019
Click in the link to see CRIT research activities of the 2019.
Yearbook 2018
Check out the compilation of the 2018 publications and projects of CRIT members.