Sara Picchi*
A comparative analysis of the Italian and Spanish Long Term Care systems. Evidences from the recent Global Economic Crisis.
Lunes 10 de noviembre a las 15:00 Sala de reuniones del departamento de Teoría Sociológica Facultat d´Economia i Empresa Avinguda Diagonal, 690.
This doctoral thesis is a comparative analysis of Long Term Care (LTC) sector in Italy and in Spain during the recent Global Economic Crisis. This analysis is composed of three parts. The first will be an analysis of policies aimed at regularizing (migrant) care workers. The second part aims to estimate the growth of inequality as a result of the rationalization of public expenditure devoted to LTC in kind services. Moreover static and dynamic analysis will figure out pro poor elderly care services intervention between 2007 – 2011. As far labour supply is concerned, the third part will try to find evidence about the strengthening of the processes of competition between migrant and national workers and between foreign workers in the field of elderly care sector.
As theoretical contribution, this research proposal takes benefit from different patterns followed in literature. The first more consolidated, refers to studies about Welfare and Care Regime, the second more recent, refers to the acknowledgement about migration flows related to elderly care. The third refers to the strain of the literature emerged as a response to and critique of structural adjustment policies, by theorizing the gendered cost of macroeconomic policies and by documenting the ways in which women’s (un)paid work was acting as “shock absorber” in times of economic crisis. These literature patterns went sometimes parallel, this research proposal will try to interconnect by fostering a gender perspective of the effects of this current economic crisis.
* Sara Picchi is a Ph.D. candidate in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies at La Sapienza University, Rome.