Coworkers, Makers, Hackers and Fabbers: main trends in Barcelona
Seminar organized by CRIT and the Research Group on collaborative Spaces
22nd September
15:00-15:15 – Presentation of the RGCS network. Introduction by coordinators of the RGCS network and the RGCS Barcelona Chapter by Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway (Universitat de Barcelona), Ignasi Capdevila (PSB Paris School of Business), François-Xavier de Vaujany (PSL-Université Paris-Dauphine) and Julie Fabbri (CRG, Ecole Polytechnique)
15:15-16:00 – Participants’ short introduction (Background and motivation)
16:00-16:30 – Presentation “Developing a community of makers in Barcelona” Cecilia Tham (Makers of Barcelona)
16:30-17:00 – Open discussion
17:00-17:30 – Presentation “Coworking and Universities” Raquel Villero (Coworking UB)
17:30-18:00 – Open discussion
18:00-18:30 – Concluding discussion: what can we do together? Chaired by Montserrat Pareja Eastaway (UB), Ignasi Capdevila (PSB) and Roser Pujadas (London School of Economics).
18:30-19:00 – Networking
23rd September
10:00 -14:00: Visit of collaborative spaces in Barcelona
At the end of 23rd September: meeting between people interested in being involved in the chapter: what can we do from what happened?
Espai de coworking,
Facultat d’Economia i Empresa,
Universitat de Barcelona
Avinguda Diagonal, 696 Ground floor.
08034 Barcelona
The event is free of charge, but please confirm your participation at: