Call for expressions of interest for a PhD position on urban recuperation agendas and citizenship practices in front of the ecosocial crisis.
The research group Creativitat, innovació i transformació urbana, in its location at the Departament de Sociologia in the Faculty of Economy and Business of the University of Barcelona, invites expressions of interest for a 4-year PhD position starting in September 2023. The position will be funded through a program of the Agencia Española de Investigación associated to the research Project “ECOSOCITIES – Agendas de recuperación urbana y practicas de ciudadanía frente a la crisis ecosocial: discursos e iniciativas.” PID2021-123912NA-I00 (ECOSOCITIES). The Project is led by Professors Marc Pradel and Santiago Eizaguirre. Potential interested applicants may contact in a single mail to both professors ( & with a motivation letter and a CV.
Job Description
- The successful candidate is expected to join the CRIT research group activities and the PhD program on Sociology at the UB
- The successful candidate will become an active member of the ECOSOCITIES Research Project and participate in other CRIT group research activities.
- The successful PhD candidate will develop a PhD dissertation on a topic related to the project. He or she will be mentored by the two PI in charge of the ECOSOCITIES research project.
- The candidate will be expected to attend research seminars and training opportunities at the UB. He or she also will obtain specialized methodological training, including complementary activities such as conducting research stays at other universities and participation in international conferences.
- In collaboration with other researchers engaged in the project, he or she will become an active member in the development of the fieldwork. He or she will be expected to present and publish articles related to the research findings.
Expected profile
- A completed or nearly completed master’s degree in sociology or a related discipline.
- Interest in the field of urban governance, citizenship studies and socioecological challenges.
- Good academic records
- Good writing skills
- Good interpersonal skills
- Ability to work effectively in a remote environment.
Especially valued complementary skills
- Knowledge of participative action research, social innovation analysis and ecological transition initiatives.
- The ability to use quantitative analysis techniques, digital geographic information systems and/or social networks analysis will be considered.
- Candidates are expected to accredit an advanced level of English (B2 or higher).
- Knowledge of Portuguese is also valued.
What we offer
- A four-year appointment
- A yearly salary of 17222€ (gross) for the first year, 18453€ for the second, and 23065€ for the fourth. If the candidate completes the dissertation in less than four years, the contract is automatically transformed into a post-doc contract.
- The successful candidate will receive additional funding to conduct research stays in foreign academic institutions, and two attend international conferences.
- Computer equipment and office space.
Closing date of the call through the State Research Agency: January 26 th, 2023
After the closing of the call, interviews will be held to prioritize candidates.
Estimated contract start date: September 1, 2023
Further information.
For more information, you can consult the call, as well as the description of the objectives of the ECOSOCITIES research project.
Entre 12 y el 26 de enero esta abierto el plazo para la presentación de candidaturas para la obtención de un contrato predoctoral de 4 años en el marco del programa Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2022.
El proyecto “ECOSOCITIES – Agendas de recuperación urbana y prácticas de ciudadanía frente la crisis ecosocial: discursos e iniciativas” liderado por los profesores Marc Pradel y Santiago Eizaguirre del CRIT, financiado por las ayudas a «Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento», del Programa Estatal para Impulsar la Investigación Científico-Técnica y su Transferencia, ha sido seleccionado también dentro del Programa para Desarrollar, Atraer y Retener Talento mediante contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores/as en régimen de concurrencia competitiva y aplicando los principios de publicidad y objetividad.
Para más información podéis consultar las bases de la convocatoria, así como la descripción de los objetivos del proyecto de investigación ECOSOCITIES.