Funding Program: European Commission 7th Framework Programme
Duration: 2007-2009
Main researchers:
- Marisol García Cabeza
- Santiago Eizaguirre
- Xavier Martínez Celorrio
- Marc Pradel
Social Polis is an open social platform for dialogue between scientific and policy communities as well as civil society organizations and networks on priorities for research on Cities and Social Cohesion. It is a forum for debates on economy, polity, society, culture and ethics across the city as a whole and in a variety of ‘urban’ life spheres. It provides for joint workshops and conferences at which research agendas and modes for future joint research will be developed. Social Polis will make four substantive contributions to research on urban dynamics in Europe:
Social Polis’ made four substantive contributions:
a focussed, critical review of research on cities and social cohesion;
a focussed agenda of effective research proposed for FP7;
establishment of a social platform of and for scientific, policy and practice stakeholders for these purposes;
production of educational resources for stakeholders.