As a complement to their outstanding Encyclopedia of urban and regional studies, Wiley-Blackwell has published the Companion to Urban and Regional Studies, a book that covers the major issues, debates and research topics in urban and regional studies. The book is edited by Anthony M. Orum, Javier Ruiz-Tagle and Serena Vicari Haddock, and includes contributions from more than 50 scholars and researchers, including Marisol García and Marc Pradel-Miquel from CRIT.
The Companion is organized in five parts including a geographical overview of the current state of cities across regions, theoretical perspectives, methodological approaches, social problems, and political and economic problems. In this regard, the book shows different situations across the globe for cities and regions, but also emerging economic, social and political problems they face. The book discusses also about theoretical and methodological approaches to research on such questions.
Marisol García and Marc Pradel-Miquel have contributed to the book with a chapter on Policies and policy approaches in cities, where they analyse the policy-making capacity of cities in different contexts, the role of non-public actors in governance and the main local policies cities being developed to cope with political, social and economic problems.
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