Funding Program: Plan Nacional de I+D, Ministerio de Economía y competitividad, Gobierno de España
Duration: 2013-2015
Main researchers:
- Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway
- Lídia García
- Marc Pradel
- Montse Simó
- Joaquín Turmo
The purpose of this coordinated project is to analyze the emergence, in the urban environment, of forms of economic innovation and governance that can lead to economic competitiveness, improve employment and generate social cohesion. By economic innovation we understand the commitment to new sectors or economic activities linked to the symbolic economy, the so-called creative industries and knowledge, as well as the emergence of new organizational and production dynamics of the industrial sectors and traditional services. On the other hand, innovations in governance refer to the emergence of new forms of interrelation between economic, political and social actors that allow combining competitiveness and social cohesion. The project seeks to analyze the social, political and economic characteristics that allow the emergence of these forms of innovation, and how these fit into the historical evolution of the territory. On the other hand, the project wants to show how the emergence of new forms of collaboration between actors gives rise to forms of open innovation (understood as non-proprietary and integrative) that can be exploited by the whole economic fabric