- lidiagarcia@ub.edu
- Department of Sociology
- Adjunct lecturer
- Edifici Llevant, planta 0, despatx 09. Ps. Vall d’Hebron 171 08035 – Barcelona
Lídia Garcia Ferrando is PHD research in Human Geography and is specialized in urban regeneration and policy housing. Since 2013 she is assistant professor at the Department of Sociology in the University of Barcelona, where she has taught subjects linked to sociology of education and supervised end-of-degree projects. Between 2003 and 2010 he has been involved in different European research projects related to urban regeneration and development. Subsequently, she has been involved in national projects focusing on social cohesion and social innovation. Currently she also works in the public sector and she is responsible for the Local Housing Observatory.
Urban environments, Urban regeneration, Social cohesion in cities and neighbourhoods, Citizen participation, Public policy intervention at the neighbourhoods, Residential mobility, Creativity and innovation, Creative cities, Creative and knowledge networks