PhD Training
CRIT offers a dynamic research environment to develop PhD research within the PhD program of Sociology at UB. PhD research in CRIT covers not only urban sociology but also other fields with territorial perspective, such as educational inequalities, housing, local welfare, creative cities or environmental change, amongst others.
The common vision of the interactions between society and space is the main feature of our research and the debates we develop. CRIT members, students and visiting researchers bring their knowledge fostering an interesting exchange of ideas trhough seminars, workshops and other activities. We also enhance this environment with the collaboration with other research groups within the department of sociology.
CRIT seminars/webinars
Once a month CRIT organises a seminar in which members, PhD researchers and visiting scholars present their ongoing research projects and ideas. The seminar can be based on consoldiated research or take the form of a workshop to discuss possibilities to continue the research. Visiting researchers are also invited to give a conference on their topics of expertise. CRIT seminars are currently hybrid, giving the opportunity to attend phisically and on-line.
If you want to join our seminars, you can be part of our mailing list or to check the website for our monthly meeting.
Be part of an international community on urban research
CRIT has a long trajectory of collaboration with other research groups and units in urban studies all over the world. As a result, CRIT is host of visiting researchers and invited professors regularly.
The research group gives support to those willing to analyse Barcelona taking profit of their knowledge and research to enrich local debates.
Members of the research group are part of international networks of urban research and collaborate with other research groups and programs, mainly, but not only, in Europe. As a group we are part of the European Network of Housing Research and of ISA-RC21 on urban and regional development.
We have close collaboration with different research centres including the Urban research doctoral program of Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, the Brussels Center for Urban Studies, Antwerp Urban Isntitute or the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics Sciences Po Paris, amongst others.
Locally we also are part of local networks such as Càtedra Barcelona d’Estudis d’Habitatge and collaborate with other research groups and institutes.
Recent thesis
Si no ho feu vosaltres ho farem nosaltres: Can Batlló como caso de innovación social
- PhD Candidate: María Victoria Sánchez Belando
- Year Defence: 2021
- Evaluation: Sobresaliente Cum Laude
Las políticas públicas contra la pobreza en la ciudad de Tarragona
- PhD Candidate: Sergio Sánchez Castiñeira
- Year Defence: 2019
- Evaluation: Sobresaliente Cum Laude
¿Comunidades de extraños para una sociedad de iguales?
- PhD Candidate: Raúl Ruiz Solá
- Year Defence: 2019
Masters and summer schools
At CRIT we collaborate in Masters and other courses, bringing our fields of expertise.
Master global markets local creativities GLOCAL
- Global Markets, Local Creativities is an integrated, international programme interrogating the history, theory, institutions and cultures of global capitalism. You will receive a theoretical grounding in international business and the global economy, and will be encouraged to think critically about the respective roles of individuals, firms, cities, regions, nations and supra-national bodies in determining and shaping the world in which we live
- More about Glocal
Master in Sociology: Social Transformations and Innovation
- The Master’s Degree in Sociology: Social Transformations and Innovation of the University of Barcelona trains students to become scientists and professionals in the study of social change and the design and development of social technologies that meet the demands deriving from collective challenges while providing new solutions to them. This master’s degree prepares students with the necessary skills to successfully pursue a Doctoral programme in Sociology.
- At CRIT we collaborate in the Master with different subjects linked to Sustainable development, educational inequalities and social innovation.
Summer School Management of Creativity in an innovation society
- The Mosaic-HEC Montréal team, in collaboration with the University of Barcelona, is proud to offer, from June 26 to July 13, 2024, a 16th edition of the Summer School, once again in an onsite format.
- An international reference in the field of creativity and innovation management, the Montreal-Barcelona Summer School offers its participants a unique and inspiring experience through a new way to learn. The Summer School is:
- A journey of personal and professional discovery with 70 participants from various backgrounds (academic, industrial, and institutional) and from around the world
- An immersion of 15 days in two cities, Montreal and Barcelona, known for their energy and creativity (visits to innovative companies and creative organizations, creativity workshops, etc.)
- A rare opportunity to meet and exchange with renowned designers, academics and creativity managers from diverse backgrounds (new technologies, design, architecture, gastronomy, arts and entertainment, video games … )
- A unique chance to step back from your day-to-day activities, to gain perspective, to listen and to share ideas
Master in cultural management
- lThe Master’s degree in Cultural Management was launched in 2007 and is part of the Cultural Management programme of the University of Barcelona. The Master’s degree is designed to train skilled professionals in the management, administration and mediation of culture, who can hold positions of high responsibility in the public and private sectors, both for generic and culture-specific projects in the different sub-fields: the audiovisual sector, the book industry, performing arts, music, heritage or visual arts services, among others.ogy of Education