Here you can find the information on the Tirana ENHR 2017 Conference call including all relevant dates, fees, workshops, plenary sessions and field trips. ” The theme of the ENHR2017 conference is: “Affordable Housing for All! – Redefining the Roles of Public and Private Sectors”. Housing affordability has become a growing problem after the 2008 financial […]
Elizabeth Strom at CRIT Seminars: Revisiting the Arts as a Socially Innovative Urban Development Strategy
Revisiting the Arts as a Socially Innovative Urban Development Strategy Arts and cultural activities have become an increasingly important aspect of urban and regional development. Can such projects be seen as socially innovative? Socially innovative projects are here understood as those that create new ways of looking at problems, new organizational means for dealing with […]
Ascensor o descensor social? Monogràfic sobre mobilitat social a la revista Àmbits coordinat pel Xavier Martínez-Celorrio
Monogràfic coordinat pel membre del CRIT, el professor Xavier Martínez-Celorrio, a la revista Àmbits del Col·legi de Politòlegs i Sociòlegs de Catalunya. Donat que els temes de mobilitat social s’han activitat en l’espai públic arran de la gran recessió, el present monogràfic tracta d’oferir una visió panoràmica i complerta que ajudi a fonamentar un debat […]
New book: “Sustainable Communities and Urban Housing” edited by Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway and Nessa Winston
Sustainable Communities and Urban Housing A Comparative European Perspective Edited by Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway and Nessa Winston Since the start of the twenty-first century, urban communities have faced increasing challenges in housing affordability, with environmental issues causing additional concern. It is clear that changes to urban housing are needed to enhance the resilience of cities and […]
Conversación con el profesor Alain Tourraine. Miércoles 26 a las 12:30
El próximo miércoles 26 de octubre a las 12:30, en el Edificio Histórico de la Universidad de Barcelona, se celebrará una Conversación entre el profesor Alain Tourraine y los profesores del grupo de investigación Creativitat, Innovació i Transformació Urbana (CRIT) Víctor Climent, Marisol García y Montserrat Pareja. El acto promovido por el CRIT y el Departamento de Sociología de la […]
Research Seminar on collaborative Spaces 22nd and 23rd September 2016
Coworkers, Makers, Hackers and Fabbers: main trends in Barcelona Seminar organized by CRIT and the Research Group on collaborative Spaces 22nd September 15:00-15:15 – Presentation of the RGCS network. Introduction by coordinators of the RGCS network and the RGCS Barcelona Chapter by Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway (Universitat de Barcelona), Ignasi Capdevila (PSB Paris School of Business), François-Xavier […]
Seminar: Austerity effects on housing in Greece
CRIT seminar series, 4th edition 26th May, 15 h. Sala de Junes, Facultat d’economia i empresa UB Avinguda Diagonal, 696, Barcelona Austerity effects on housing in Greece: challenges for housing policy Dimitra Siatitsa Dr. Architect-Urbanist, independent researcher, special advisor of the Alternate Minister of Solidarity Abstract The implementation of austerity politics in Greece is marked […]
Convocatòria d’ajuts a la Summer school “forms of urban attractiveness i als juliols UB
La UB ha posat en marxa una sèrie d’ajuts per tal que els estudiants de la UB puguin assistir a la formació d’estiu. Hi ha dues convocatòries: Convocatòria de dos ajuts per a la matrícula a la International summer school “The Forms of urban attractiveness: Methods of analysis and case studies” Barcelona-Milà Convocatòria de 35 […]
Mega-event cities: the urban impacts of large events (3 May, 15:00 Faculty of economics and business UB)
Mega-event cities: the urban impacts of large events Prof. Dr. Martin Müller Department of Geography University of Zurich Abstract: Mega-events such as the Olympic Games and the World Cup have become global urban phenomena. At a cost of often more than USD 10 billion, they are the single most transformative urban project in many host […]